Monday, June 17, 2019

Week 3: Germs, Early Explorers, Charlotte's Web

This week was mainly a continuation of last week's units. We struggled on Thursday and Friday with Einstein's sisters needing a lot of attention (teething baby and special needs older sister), and there were a lot of appointments I had made. 

So we didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped, but we still covered significantly more material than Einstein would have covered at public. Here is what we targeted this week:

We are working out of the A Beka curriculum, level 3. This is roughly a 3rd grade level, so challenging for Einstein, but also doable. He learned multiplication with carrying very quickly, factors, we introduced long division, and we reviewed subtraction with 0s in the minuend. I also had him count out his change when he wanted to make a purchase.

Math is far and away Einstein's favorite subject- he will request multiple pages a day for fun! So I feel like he is moving very fast (I certainly didn't pick up concepts this quickly when I was his age!), but he is comfortable with this pace he has set for himself, so full steam ahead!

We studied the lives of Juan Ponce de Leon and Jacques Cartier this week. My husband read the bloody battle scenes between the Spanish/ French to Einstein at bedtime, and they both seemed to really enjoy that! Einstein kept asking for more and more. 

We went over all the state capitols this week again. Einstein knows 85-90% of all the USA state capitols, and loves quizzing me on them. He has a church friend who is every bit as gifted, and they like to size each other up by shooting off math and geography questions. It is hilarious!

The mold and germ unit went so well last week that Einstein wanted to continue it. He watched mold growing each day on his wet/ dry bread experiment, and read several books about germs, strange medicine, and "tiny killers" that he checked out from the library. 

He would follow me around while I cooked, listing off gross remedies (like cockaroach brains) that people would use to "cure" all manner of ailments. We did a few experiments just for fun, like seeing how candles need oxygen to stay aflame.

As much as Einstein loves math, he despises writing. I don't know why gifted kids hate writing so much other than that their brains go so much faster than their pen, so everything looks sloppy, and then the perfectionism sets in and melt downs begin.

This is the area that becomes a power struggle between us, and we are trying to figure out a balance between learning to love learning and actually fixing his pencil grip/ handwriting. Right now, I am requiring some difficult work, and if he wants to write notes or journal or whatever (cursive or print), then I am okay with that, as long as he is writing.

During English time, we work on reading comprehension, spelling, and the parts of speech. So we defined and gave examples of adverbs, verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. 

We finished Charlotte's Web! Einstein loved the book, and his favorite character was Templeton. 

We acted out the book using toys, and when I asked Einstein what his favorite part of the story was, he said that it was when Templeton brought back the word "Crunchy", and then Einstein tossed the toy Wilbur up onto the barbeque grill. 

We also watched the 1970s video, and I really liked that one because it stayed so true to the book. I know there is a more recent movie, but I hadn't previewed it, so I didn't attempt a comparison. Einstein kept yelling "Mom come quick! Templeton's egg is about to get smashed!" or "Mom look! Templeton is so fat!"

Einstein's grandma is teaching him art and piano, so he is in charge of practicing piano each day, and he likes drawing by himself, so I let him have all the paper and writing utensils he wants. 

Einstein studies chess each day. I learned to not challenge him to two chess games at once. He beat me twice in a similar amount of time.

We are working on our garden too. Some days we don't make it out in the 100 degree weather, but we try to get out when we can!

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