Thursday, April 11, 2019

Camping with Einstein

I took my three kids camping. That includes my oldest daughter who has significant disabilities, Einstein, and the baby. I knew it would be a lot of work, but I want the kids to have great childhood memories. 

Einstein had a blast! He is the classic absent-minded yet brilliant professor sometimes. 

When I was setting up camp, he asked to use the bathroom. I told him to go pee on a tree, expecting him to tramp a little ways into the woods. NOPE! He turned to the tree right by our tent and dropped his pants. 

Then he had his heart's greatest desire, I let him help light the fire, knowing that he would strike a match, yelp, and fling it onto the pile immediately. 

He dragged wood out and piled it up, then spent 15 minutes trying to light the fire. Once we got it going, he sat contemplating the flames and asked, "Mommy, what IS fire?"

I asked what he meant, and he asked, "What state of matter? Is it a solid, liquid, or gas?"

I responded that it was a chemical reaction, so none of the above. He seemed satisfied with that answer, or maybe it was because his friend showed up and he ran off to play "Name as many words as you can that start with MON and end with Y" 

We did some canoeing and kayaking, and even went in a paddle boat, and I answered as many questions as I could about the different diets of different kinds of fish, and the likelihood of alligators in manmade versus natural lakes. 

My favorite story from the camping trip was when Einstein shook me awake at 2 am calling "Mom! MOM!!!" Being half awake, I was imagining a bear had snuck into the campsite and was snuffling around. 

So I jerked awake and looked around, and just saw his little face looming out of the darkness next to mine. "What is it?" I asked. "Mom, what is humidity?" 

Still trying to process that I was being asked to answer a weather question and not fight a bear, I said, "What?"

He said, "I had a dream and everyone was talking about humidity and I don't know what that is." 

Yup. Parenting a gifted kid at it's finest! Their brains NEVER turn off!!!

Monday, April 8, 2019

What is Interest-Based Learning?

Okay, one of my biggest reasons I want to homeschool Einstein is because the way HE learns best is not the way kids are school are taught. 

At school, you go to school and rotate every 50 minutes between classes. This may be what a day looks like:

  • Fill in geography papers about mountain ranges in Africa
  • Solve 2 variable algebra problems in math
  • Discuss the 4th president of the United States in history
  • Watch a video about electrons in science
  • Write an essay about how you will change the world in English 

Those are awesome things to learn! BUT- there is a certain level of disconnect between the subjects.

Interest-based learning is the mode of learning I want to pursue with Einstein. If he is interested in the colonization of America, we would:

  • Map out the first 13 colonies in order, along with distinguishing geographical features
  • Discuss taxation without representation and do a sample budget and calculate taxes back then compared to now
  • Make a diorama of how Native Americans lived, and another of early settlers
  • Read biographies about King James and George Washington
  • Write contrasting essays about what you would have done as the king trying to maintain control over the colonies versus what you would do as a colonist trying to gain freedom
  • Find out what scientific discoveries were made during this time period and discover their use today- still relevant or obsolete?