It was SO much fun!!! I am still nervous about full-time homeschooling, but I truly enjoy spending time with my son and teaching him new things.
We took a trip to the zoo, visited a homeschool co-op, and did a 9-1 "learning time" each day.
I also learned the importance of writing down our game plan each day- jotting down a line or two to keep me on track, otherwise we wander through the day without a plan.
Since I haven't picked out a curriculum yet, we just picked a couple cool things to focus on.
Math- We worked on fractions by cutting up "pies" and water in measuring cups
Not my picture, but such a fun way to learn! |
Science- The Lifecycle of the Butterfly. We got a butterfly garden for my daughter's birthday, and during this week, the butterflies formed their chrysalises! We measured the caterpillars each day and recorded lengths
Writing- Journaling, writing a story about our trip to the zoo, and keeping up his research journal. He interviewed zookeepers and wrote facts about all the different animals
History- We watched an awesome Florence Nightingale video (clip below), listened to the Magic Treehouse book A High Time for Heroes, which is when Jack and Annie meet Florence before she becomes a nurse.
Geography- We learned the states and their capitols, and kept quizzing each other. We used our states puzzle that have the capitols written under there.
Reading- We did some independent, some read aloud, and some with Mom reading. We read a BUNCH of books! Einstein is a voracious reader and inhales books, which is awesome!!! He is teaching his baby sister to love books too